Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization, doi: 10.22049/cco.2023.27817.1360, 2023
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Keywords : PI index, Unicyclic graphs, Bicyclic graphs, Extremal values
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mathematics
Year : 2023
Abstract : The PI index of a graph G is given by PI(G)=∑e∈E(G)(|V(G)|−NG(e)), where NG(e) is the number of equidistant vertices for the edge e. Various topological indices of bicyclic graphs have already been calculated. In this paper, we obtained the exact value of the PI index of bicyclic graphs. We also explore the extremal graphs among all bicyclic graphs with respect to the PI index. Furthermore, we calculate the PI index of a cactus graph and determine the extremal values of the PI index among cactus graphs.
Cite this Research Publication : Manju SC, Somasundaram K., "PI Index of Bicyclic Graphs", Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization, doi: 10.22049/cco.2023.27817.1360, 2023