Publication Type : Conference Paper
Source : AIP Conference Proceedings 2446, 040010 (2022);
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2022
Abstract : Preferred materials over Al6061alloys are Aluminum (Al) metal matrix composites (Al-MMCs) in transport, space, and marine applications since they have boosted properties over Al6061alloys. Al-MMCs filled by dispersions(ceramics) increase mechanical properties. The mode of fracture is ductile. The results of physical, mechanical, fracture studies of Al6061 matrix filled by boron carbide (B4C) are elaborated. MMCs were synthesized with 0,1,2,3 wt.% filling of B4C by weight. The process employed was liquid metallurgy route (stir casting). Tests are as per standards of ASTM. The outcomes of rule of mixtures and experimental method are compared. The confrontation to plasticity and strength raised with the addition of filler content, but with was no reduction in elongation. The elongation has enhanced to some extent with increase in filler content. The optical microscope indicates the presence of filler and good distribution. This assists in better load transfer from Al6061 to B4C filler.
Cite this Research Publication : lhas K. Annigeri and G. B. Veeresh Kumar, Physical, Mechanical, and Fracture Studies of Al6061-B4C MMCs, AIP Conference Proceedings 2446, 040010 (2022);