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Pericardiocentesis can be nasty. Accidents do occur while ‘rail-roading’ sheaths and pigtails

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Ann Card Anaesth

Source : Ann Card Anaesth. 2018;21(3):290-292

Url :,reflex%20hypotension%2C%20and%20malignant%20arrhythmias.

Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2018

Abstract : Pericardiocentesis is a challenging procedure and complications may vary depending on the patient-specific risk factors and procedural indications. Cardiac chamber perforation and the subsequent insertion of pigtail catheter into the main pulmonary artery are an unreported mishap during attempted pericardiocentesis. This potentially life-threatening complication is completely preventable by identification of high-risk patients and appropriate use of available technologies. Adjunctive imaging decreases procedural risk for difficult-to-access pericardial fluid collections and must be used to prevent inadvertent morbidities.

Cite this Research Publication : Narula J, Choudhury A, Sharma A. Pericardiocentesis can be nasty. Accidents do occur while ‘rail-roading’ sheaths and pigtails! Ann Card Anaesth. 2018;21(3):290-292

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