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Pedagogue: A Model for Improving Core Competency Level in Placement Interviews Through Interactive Android Application

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Thematic Areas : Wireless Network and Application

Publisher : Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing Systems, Springer .

Source : Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing Systems, Springer (2016)

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)

Department : Computer Science, Wireless Networks and Applications (AWNA)

Year : 2016

Abstract : This paper discusses about developing a mobile application running on the cloud server. The Cloud acclaims a new era of computing, where application services are provided through the Internet. Though mobile systems are resource-constrained devices with limited computation power, memory, storage, and energy, the use of cloud computing enhances the capability of mobile systems by offering virtually unlimited dynamic resources for computation and storage. The challenge faced here is that traditional smartphones do not support cloud, these applications require specialized mobile cloud application model. The core innovativeness of the application lies in its delivery structure as an interactive android application centered on emerging technologies like mobile cloud computing–that improves the core competencies of the students by taking up online tests posted by the faculty in the campus. The performance of this application has been presented using scalability, accessibility, portability, security, data consistency, user session migration, and redirection delay

Cite this Research Publication : Dhanya N. M., Dr. Senthil Kumar T., Sujithra, C., Prasanth, S., and Shruthi, U. K., “Pedagogue: A Model for Improving Core Competency Level in Placement Interviews Through Interactive Android Application”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing Systems, 2016.

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