Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Source : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Physics Publishing, Volume 310, Number 1 (2018)
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Keywords : Degrees of freedom (mechanics), Flow induced vibrations, Genetic algorithms, Harvesting energies, Manufacture, Parametric optimization, Piezoelectric devices, Piezoelectric energy harvesters, Piezoelectric patch, Piezoelectricity, Self-powered systems, Two-degree-of-freedom system, Vibrations (mechanical), Wake-oscillator models
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2018
Abstract : pSelf-powered systems have become the need of the hour and several devices and techniques were proposed in favour of this crisis. Among the various sources, vibrations, being the most practical scenario, is chosen in the present study to investigate for the possibility of harvesting energy. Various methods were devised to trap the energy generated by vibrating bodies, which would otherwise be wasted. One such concept is termed as flow-induced vibration which involves the flow of a fluid across a bluff body that oscillates due to a phenomenon known as vortex shedding. These oscillations can be converted into electrical energy by the use of piezoelectric patches. A two degree of freedom system containing a cylinder as the primary mass and a cantilever beam as the secondary mass attached with a piezoelectric circuit, was considered to model the problem. Three wake oscillator models were studied in order to determine the one which can generate results with high accuracy. It was found that Facchinetti model produced better results than the other two and hence a parametric study was performed to determine the favourable range of the controllable variables of the system. A fitness function was formulated and optimization of the selected parameters was done using genetic algorithm. The parametric optimization led to a considerable improvement in the harvested voltage from the system owing to the high displacement of secondary mass. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd./p
Cite this Research Publication : P. Ashok, C. Jawahar Chandra, P. Neeraj, and Dr. Santhosh B., “Parametric Study and Optimization of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester from Flow Induced Vibration”, in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, vol. 310.