Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering
Source : Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, IOS Press, Volume 29, Number 6, p.739-755 (2018)
Url :
Keywords : 3D printers, Bone, Cell culture, Complex architectures, computer aided design, Fabrication, Finite element method, human osteosarcoma cells, Hydroxyapatite, Interconnected pores, Laser heating, Pore size, Porous bone scaffold, Porous scaffold, Rapid prototyping techniques, Repair, Scaffolds (biology), Selective laser sintering, Sintering, Tissue engineering applications
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2018
Abstract : Numerous biomaterials are used to fabricate bone scaffolds to repair the bones subjected to trauma. The scaffolds are fabricated with interconnected pores with 4070% porosity to facilitate the entry of the cells that ensures rapid bone formation. In addition, the interconnected pores also serve as a channel for the exchange of nutrients and waste materials. Rapid prototyping techniques use the CAD model of the scaffold to be fabricated which facilitates fabrication of components with complex architecture easily. This research deals with the design, fabrication and analysis of porous scaffold models with different configurations. Apart from the conventional pore geometry like cubical, spherical shaped pores, their shifted arrangements were also considered for this study. The minimum pore size used for the study is 400 ?m and the porosity ranges from 4070%. Based on the results of finite element analysis, the best scaffold configuration is identified and was fabricated with different build orientation using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) process with different mix of Polyamide and Hydroxyapatite. The fabricated test specimens were evaluated based on mechanical tests for its strength and in vitro studies with human osteosarcoma cell line for cell growth studies. The mechanical tests witnesses good physical properties than the earlier reported research. The suitability of the porous scaffolds for bone repair is also ensured using finite element analysis of a human femur bone under various physical activities. © 2018 IOS Press. All rights reserved.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. M. Ramu, Ananthasubramanian, M., Kumaresan, T., Gandhinathan, R., and Jothi, S., “Optimization of the configuration of porous bone scaffolds made of Polyamide/Hydroxyapatite composites using Selective Laser Sintering for tissue engineering applications”, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, vol. 29, pp. 739-755, 2018.