Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier BV
Source : Thin Solid Films
Url :
Keywords : Thin films, RF magnetron sputtering, Erbium, Titanium dioxide, Up-conversion
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Physics
Year : 2014
Abstract : We have studied up-conversion in TiO2 thin films doped with Er3+ deposited using radio frequency-magnetron sputtering. The TiO2 host was optimized to achieve efficient up-conversion signal from Er3+. We controlled the TiO2 microstructure by varying the substrate temperature and radio frequency target power during deposition, and by changing the Er3+ doping concentration. Photoluminescence was used to investigate the influence of the microstructure of TiO2 on the up-conversion efficiency. This was attained by exciting the thin films with 1550nm light from a CW laser, and studying the emission at a wavelength of 980nm, corresponding to the transition from 4I11/2 to 4I15/2 in Er3+. Our results demonstrate that strong up-conversion luminescence is obtained when the TiO2:Er3+ thin film is deposited at low radio frequency powers, high substrate temperature (≥255°C) and with Er3+ doping above 4.5at.%. The TiO2 host matrix was found to yield stronger up-conversion luminescence when amorphous than when polycrystalline.
Cite this Research Publication : Sabrina R. Johannsen, Lasse Rosenfeld Lauridsen, Brian Julsgaard, Pekka T. Neuvonen, Arne Nylandsted Larsen, Optimization of Er3+-doped TiO2-thin films for infrared light up-conversion, Thin Solid Films, Elsevier BV, 2014,