Publication Type : Conference Paper
Thematic Areas : Learning-Technologies
Publisher : ICDLE 2010 - 2010 4th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education, Proceedings .
Source : ICDLE 2010 - 2010 4th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education, Proceedings (2010)
Url :
ISBN : 9781424487509
Keywords : Authoring process, Computer graphics, Curricula, Digital video content, Distance education, Learning systems, Multimedia systems, Non-intrusive, Opinion map, Processable, Real-time asynchronous feedback, Software visualization, Subject matter experts, Tabular data, Tukey Box plot, Video, Video contents, Video recording, Visualization, WYSIWYG
Campus : Amritapuri
School : Department of Management
Center : Amrita Center For Research in Analytics, AmritaCREATE
Department : Department of Management
Year : 2010
Abstract : An increasingly large amount of digital video content continues to become available on the Internet. This content ranges from short entertainment clips by amateurs lasting a few minutes to full-fledged, significantly longer, serious course lectures and presentations by subject matter experts. As these video bits of content continue to get pushed out one-way, to the learner, the content authors have no quick or easy way of getting an objective, machine-processable opinion on arbitrary subsections of their content. In this paper, we explore the design and implementation of an innovative software visualization system that uses 'Opinion Maps' and a WYSIWYG (When You See Is When You Give) approach to bring a much needed real-time focus to the feedback aspect of the video mode of instruction. In addition to using routine graphical charting to visualize server-side tabular data, an Opinion Map employs a combination of (i) a Tukey Box+ plot - a simple but powerful extension to the Tukey Box plot - to present N-point ordinal opinion scores, collected from learners potentially for every single second of the video content, (ii) a per-second opinion score histogram, and (iii) overall 'best' and 'worst' opinion score visualizations. The system is nonintrusive; it requires no special content authoring processes and bolts on to prerecorded digital video content.
Cite this Research Publication : Sharma N., Raman R., "Opinion maps for tracking and visualizing feedback on digital video content", ICDLE 2010 - 2010 4th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education, Proceedings (2010) DOI: 10.1109/ICDLE.2010.5606050