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On the Detour Based Indices

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications

Source : Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, ISSN: 2094-0343 2326-9865, Page Number: 951-966, Vol. 71 No. 3s (2022).

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Mathematics

Year : 2022

Abstract : Topological index is a real value associated with a graph that should be structurally invariant. Many topological indices were defined, and many among them have been used to model chemical and pharmacological properties, as well as many other features of molecules. We study two topological indices based on detour distance. Detour index for any graph that is connected is defined as maximum distances or detour distances between every unordered paired vertices of . Detour Harary index for any graph that is connected is defined as the sum of reciprocal of the maximum distances or detour distances between every unordered paired vertices of . Here, in this paper we establish formulae to calculate the Detour index and detour Harary index of a few graph structures and also corona product of two particular graphs. Also we compare the results for both these indices.

Cite this Research Publication : Gopika S., Lakshmi Anil, P. D. Aiswarya, Supriya Rajendran, "On the Detour Based Indices," Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, ISSN: 2094-0343 2326-9865, Page Number: 951-966, Vol. 71 No. 3s (2022).

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