Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : EPJ Web of Conferences
Source : EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 140, p. 3053, 2017.
Campus : Coimbatore
School : Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering
Department : Aerospace
Year : 2017
Abstract : Granular flows around an object have been the focus of numerous analytical, experimental and simulation studies. The structure and nature of the oblique shock wave developed when a quasi-two dimensional flow of spherical granular particles streams past an immersed, fixed cylindrical obstacle forms the focus of this study. The binary granular mixture, consisting of particles of the same diameter but different material properties, is investigated by using a modified LIGGGHTS package as the simulation engine. Variations in the solid fraction and granular temperature within the resulting flow are studied. The Mach number is calculated and is used to distinguish between the subsonic and the supersonic regions of the bow shock.
Cite this Research Publication : Nandu Gopan and Alam, M., “Oblique Shock Waves in Granular Flows Over Bluff Bodies”, EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 140, p. 3053, 2017.