Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : Indian J Psychiatry
Source : Indian J Psychiatry [serial online] 2020
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Psychiatry
Year : 2020
Abstract : Background:
Bipolar disorder is a disabling psychiatric disorder. The existing literature suggests about 41% of patients to be nonadherent. Nonadherence leads to relapses, delay in recovery besides higher inpatient care cost as well as higher global cost of the disease. Nonadherence in bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) is a complex phenomenon, its critical determinants are yet to be identified with certainty.
This study aims to assess the prevalence of nonadherence in BPAD and to delineate the factors associated with it.
Medical records were reviewed in this study from 2005 to 2019 at a medical college in Kerala. Patients who were diagnosed with BPAD according to International Classification of Diseases 10 and who were needing or opting for prophylaxis were included. Patients who were not taking medications for at least 1 week were termed as nonadherent. We included 150 participants in our study.
To test the statistical significance of the association of categorical variables between H/O of adherence and nonadherence, Chi-square test was used. In the sample, 82.7% had at least 1 week of history of noncompliance in the past. The most common reason was poor understanding of illness by the family (56%) followed by a negative aspect of the patient toward the drug (20%).
Therefore, this study concludes that though majority of the patients have a history of nonadherence of at least 1 week on long-term follow-up, it was seen that majority of the patients were more than 80% adherent to medications.