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Navigating sustainability and resilience: a collective case study of four indian communities

Publication Type : Journal Article

Thematic Areas : SDG 8 Livelihood

Publisher : Springer

Source : Environment, Development and Sustainability

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School for Sustainable Futures

Year : 2024

Abstract : Despite widespread efforts to improve economic conditions, the critical interconnections between sustainability and resilience, particularly in vulnerable rural communities, remain understudied. Existing frameworks often overlook the com- plex interplay between these two dimensions, hindering effective policymaking. This research addresses this gap by examining the relationship between sustainability and resilience within the context of rural Indian communities. Employing a three-phase methodology combining a literature review, a collective case study of four Indian villages utilizing the participatory rural appraisal (PRA) technique, and in-depth qualitative interviews, this study delves into the lived experiences of community members. The findings reveal the dynamic and context-specific nature of the sustainability-resilience nexus, emphasizing the need for tailored policy interventions. To address this, the study proposes a novel five-phase framework that integrates sustainability and resilience considerations throughout the policy-making cycle, from problem identification to implementation and evaluation of the impacts. By emphasizing participatory approaches, community empowerment, and adaptive management, this framework aims to enhance livelihoods, build resilient communities, and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The main implication of this study is that the interplay between sustainability and resilience should be examined by decision-making actors before determining the pathway toward rural development.

Cite this Research Publication : Enayati, Mojtaba, Isaac Lukambagire, Amabile Manianga, Bernard Attah-Otu, Aroun Clément Baudouin-van Os, Sabarinath SN, and Maneesha V. Ramesh. "Navigating sustainability and resilience: a collective case study of four indian communities." Environment, Development and Sustainability (2024): 1-47 | Impact Factor - 4.7

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