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MPC controller for trajectory tracking control of quadcopter

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Circuit ,Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT)

Source : 2017 International Conference on Circuit ,Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), IEEE, Kollam, India (2017)

Url :

ISBN : 9781509049677

Keywords : Acceleration, Angular velocity, attitude control, autonomous aerial vehicles, Brushless DC motors, clear-cut performance criterion, Computers, control law computation, control system synthesis, dynamic equations, helicopters, kinematic equations, Linear MPC, Linear systems, LMPC, mathematical model, model, Model predictive control, MPC, MPC controller, MPC techniques, PID, PID Controller, predictive control, quadcopter, Quadrotor, state constraints, three-term control, trajectory control, trajectory tracking, trajectory tracking control, trajectory tracking problem, Vehicle dynamics

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics, Robotics and Automation

Year : 2017

Abstract : This paper focuses on trajectory tracking of quadcopter using a Model Predictive control (MPC). The main motive in using MPC is the ability to consider control and state constraints that occur in practical problems. In addition, MPC techniques consider a clear-cut performance criterion to be lessened during the control law computation. The trajectory tracking problem is solved using two approaches: PID controller and Linear MPC. The modeling of Quadcopter is developed using kinematic and dynamic equations. By making suitable assumptions, a simplified model is obtained, which is taken as the reference model for MPC. Simulation results are provided in order to show the effectiveness of both schemes. For comparison purpose only one degree of freedom, i.e., altitude is considered. The same methodology can be extended to other degrees of freedom(DOF). The results show that LMPC was able to achieve good tracking than the PID controller.

Cite this Research Publication : G. Ganga and Meher Madhu Dharmana, “MPC controller for trajectory tracking control of quadcopter”, in 2017 International Conference on Circuit ,Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), Kollam, India, 2017

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