Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier BV
Source : Materials Today Communications
Url :
Keywords : LAMMPS, Molecular dynamics, Reax-FF, Zinc oxide, RDF, Coordination number, DFT, Electronic properties, Quantum ESPRESSO
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Physics
Year : 2024
Abstract : The work investigates the deposition of zinc and oxygen atoms on a Zinc terminated ZnO substrate, maintaining their stoichiometric ratio (O:Zn) at 0.8, under varying incident energies (0.5 eV and 5 eV) and temperatures (300 K and 700 K) using the ReaxFF potential in Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation. The study explores the impact of deposition conditions on growth mechanisms, film morphology, and structural parameters such as Radial Distribution Function (RDF) and Coordination Number (CN). RDF analysis highlights disordered atomic arrangements and diverse bonding configurations within the film, with CN showing deviations from perfect crystalline ZnO, indicating non-uniform, non-crystalline, and nano behaviour. Post-heating the films to temperatures approaching the ZnO melting point results in enhanced crystallinity, as evidenced by distinct, dominant, and multiple RDF peaks. Density Functional Theory (DFT) approach of the deposited structures elucidates the formation of ZnO nanoclusters-(ZnO)3 and (ZnO)4 and investigates their electronic structure properties. DFT analysis of the post-heated films reveals the formation of ZnO monomers (ZnO), indicating an approaching crystalline behaviour, yet the films exhibit non-epitaxial and non-uniform characteristics. DFT calculations were instrumental in validating the observed structural behaviours in the deposited films. The study underscores the significance of stoichiometric ratio in film deposition and demonstrates the temperature-dependent evolution of structural properties towards crystallinity, shedding light on the intricate dynamics of ZnO film growth offering tailored control over film properties for enhanced performance in practical applications such as optoelectronics and gas sensing.
Cite this Research Publication : S. Arjun, Anjaly B. Krishna, Rakhesh Vamadevan, Jeetu S. Babu, Morphological, structural and electronic properties of zinc oxide nano structures deposited on ZnO substrate layer – A theoretical perspective, Materials Today Communications, Elsevier BV, 2024,