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Modulation of CD8+T cells, NK cells and Th1cytokines by metabolic milieu in decline of HBV-viremia in pregnant women treated with tenofovir-disoproxil from second trimester of pregnancy

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Journal of Reproductive Immunology

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

Center : Amrita Research Center Delhi

Year : 2024

Abstract : High HBV DNA levels predispose to mother to child transmission (MTCT) of HBV. Early nucleotide analogue (NA) therapy can reduce HBV DNA and minimize MTCT. We analysed immune-metabolic profile in pregnant mothers who received NA from 2nd trimester compared with untreated mothers. In 2nd trimester, there was no difference in immune profiles between Gr.1 and Gr.2 but high viral load women had downregulated pyruvate, NAD+ metabolism but in 3rd trimester, Gr.1 had significant reduction in HBV-DNA, upregulated pyruvate and NAD with increased IFN-2αA, CD8Tcells, NK cells and decreased Tregs, IL15, IL18, IL29, TGFβ3 compared to Gr.2. In Gr.1, three eAg-ve women showed undetectable DNA and HBsAg. At delivery, Gr.1 showed no MTCT, with undetectable HBV DNA, HBsAg, high CD8 and NK cells in two women. We conclude, that starting NA from second trimester, reduces HBV load and MTCT, modulates NAD, induces immunity and suggest use of NA in early gestation in future trials.

Cite this Research Publication : Pahwa P, Vyas AK, Sevak JK, Singh R, Maras JS, Patra S, Sarin SK, Trehanpati N, Modulation of CD8+ T cells, NK cells and Th1cytokines by metabolic milieu in decline of HBV-viremia in pregnant women treated with tenofovir-disoproxil from second trimester of pregnancy, Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2024 Mar 1;162:104208

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