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Modal Logic as Applied to Consumer Market

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research

Source : IJITR, Volume 2, Issue 1, 759-761, Dec-Jan 2014.

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Keywords : Bass Model, Modal Logic, Kripke structure, NuSMV, AnyLogic

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Computing

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2014

Abstract : Presently, marketing projection of capital goods is carried out by using the Bass Model for consumer demand. This modeling technique has certain limitations from the point of various factors which affect the consumer preferences under the competitive market scenario. To take care of these additional factors into account, the Bass Model fails to meet these requirements. The present work utilizes the Modal Logic approach, including various consumer preferences and negative factors into consideration. A case study has been taken as an illustration, and a mathematical model developed using the Modal Logic with Kripke structure. The model has been validated for logic flow with the help of NuSMV, which is a free tool available on the internet. Simulation of the model has been carried out, by use of AnyLogic, which can handle multiple types of logics, which may be needed in any real environment. The paper includes, NuSMV model checking and simulation results achieved via AnyLogic and scope for including further variations required in any real case study

Cite this Research Publication : Manju Khanna, Dr. N. K. Srinath, Dr. J. K. Mendiratta, "Modal Logic as Applied to Consumer Market", IJITR, Volume 2, Issue 1, 759-761, Dec-Jan 2014.

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