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Mechanical behavior of Mg-Li-Al alloys

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings,

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 9, Part 3, p.17935 - 17943 (2018)

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Keywords : %elongation, Density, extrusion, Grain refinement, Hardness, Mg-Li alloy, Mg-Li-Al alloy, rolling, Specific strength, Stir casting

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication, Mechanical Engineering

Verified : Yes

Year : 2018

Abstract : Magnesium is considered as one of the lightest structural materials, while lithium is the lightest metal in the periodic table. The alloy of magnesium with lithium results in an ultra-light weight family of alloys which offer very good strength to weight ratio, ductility, damping capacity etc. This work was carried out to understand the effect of aluminum addition on the mechanical properties of these binary alloys. The alloy was prepared by stir casting technique in argon atmosphere. The cast alloy was homogenized and extruded for different compositions. The properties such as density, hardness, tensile strength, yield strength, % elongation were measured for extruded alloys. Extruded alloys were also subjected to rolling. Properties such as density and hardness were measured for rolled alloys. Significant improvement in tensile properties and hardness were achieved by the addition of aluminum

Cite this Research Publication : Rahulan N., Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, and Kumaran S., “Mechanical behavior of Mg-Li-Al alloys”, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 5, no. 9, Part 3, pp. 17935 - 17943, 2018.

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