Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 2022.
Url :
Campus : Faridabad
School : School of Artificial Intelligence
Year : 2022
Abstract : Worldwide COVID-19 is a highly infectious and rapidly spreading disease in almost all age groups. The Computed Tomography (CT) scans of lungs are found to be accurate for the timely diagnosis of COVID-19 infection. In the proposed work, a deep learning-based P-shot N-ways Siamese network along with prototypical nearest neighbor classifiers is implemented for the classification of COVID-19 infection from lung CT scan slices. For this, a Siamese network with an identical sub-network (weight sharing) is used for image classification with a limited dataset for each class. The feature vectors are obtained from the pre-trained sub-networks having weight sharing. The performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated on the benchmark MosMed dataset having categories zero (healthy control) and numerous COVID-19 infections. The proposed methodology is evaluated on (a) chest CT scans provided by medical hospitals in Moscow, Russia for 1110 patients, and (b) case study of low-dose CT scans of 42 patients provided by Avtaran healthcare in India. The deep learning-based Siamese network (15-shot 5-ways) obtained an accuracy of 98.07%, the sensitivity of 95.66%, specificity of 98.83%, and F1-score of 95.10%. The proposed work outperforms the COVID-19 infection severity classification with limited scans availability for numerous infection categories.
Cite this Research Publication : Sakshi Ahuja, B.K. Panigrahi, Nilanjan Dey, Dr. Arpit Taneja, and T.K. Gandhi, "McS- Net: Multi-class Siamese network for the severity of COVID-19 infection classification from lung CT scan slices", Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 2022.