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Mature Relationships: Why Does Relational Orientation Turn into Transactional Orientation?

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : ScienceDirect

Source : Industrial Marketing Management, 32, 8, 643-651. ABS 3

Url :

Keywords : Transactions, Mature relationships, Relational orientation, Transactional orientation

Year : 2003

Abstract : One of the fundamental assumptions of relationship marketing is that the length of the relationship increases the relational orientation of the partners. Recently, however, researchers have suggested that the benefits of relationship marketing are not evident in a large number of industries [e.g., Journal of Marketing 64 (2000, October) 17]. In this paper, we examine these contradictory results and, using extant research in this area, we model the antecedents of mature relationships that lead to relational versus transactional orientation. Most buyer seller associations follow an s-shaped curve between partners' length of association and the relational orientation of the buyer. However, for some buyer–seller associations, we suggest that there is an inverted u-shaped relationship between relational orientation and length of association. We examine relational attributes and propose variables that are the antecedents of transactional orientation in mature relationships. Implications for theory and managerial practice are highlighted.

Cite this Research Publication : Kishore Gopalakrishna Pillai and Arun Sharma (2003), “Mature Relationships: Why Does Relational Orientation Turn into Transactional Orientation?” DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2003.06.005

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