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Mapping Acoustic Frictional Properties of Self-Lubricating Epoxy-Coated Bearing Steel with Acoustic Emissions during Friction Test

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Technologies

Source : Technologies 2024, 12, 30

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2024

Abstract : This work investigates the stick–slip phenomenon during sliding motion between solid lubricant-impregnated epoxy polymer-coated steel bars and AISI 52,100 steel balls. An acoustic sensor detected the stick–slip phenomenon during the tribo-pair interaction. The wear characteristics of the workpiece coated with different epoxy coatings were observed and scrutinized. The RMS values of the acoustic sensor were correlated with the frictional coefficient to develop a standard based on the acoustic sensor, leading to the detection of the stick–slip phenomenon. As per the findings, the acoustic waveform remained relatively similar to the friction coefficient observed during the study and can be used effectively in detecting the stick–slip phenomenon between steel and polymer interaction. This work will be highly beneficial in industrial and automotive applications with a significant interaction of polymer and steel surfaces.

Cite this Research Publication : Krishnamoorthy, V.; Anitha John, A.; Bhaumik, S.; Paleu, V. Mapping Acoustic Frictional Properties of Self-Lubricating Epoxy-Coated Bearing Steel with Acoustic Emissions during Friction Test. Technologies 2024, 12, 30

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