Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Wounds International 2023
Source : Wounds International 2023, Vol 14, Issue 1, pages 28-35.
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : General Surgery
Year : 2023
Abstract : Wound infections and biofilms play a significant role in delaying wound healing and present a challenge in chronic wound management. The presence of sloughy tissue is a prominent feature in these wounds and is considered a barrier against successful wound healing. Effective wound care integrates evidence-based dressings that provides continuous cleaning, antimicrobial activity and thus, is also effective against biofilms. Poly-absorbent fibres impregnated with a silver lipido-colloid matrix dressing has shown good outcomes, both in vitro and in vivo, in the management of slough and biofilm in wounds. The evidence originates from Europe and the authors of this case series attempted to assess the dressing in wounds from different regions of India to evaluate if positive results would be obtained.
Cite this Research Publication : Anoop Vasudevan Pillai, Riju R Menon, KVNN Santosh Murthy, Divya Prakash, Sangeetha Kalabhairav, Anshumali Misra, Bhavin Ram, "Management of wounds in Indian patients with a poly-absorbent fibre impregnated with a silver lipidocolloid matrix dressing - a case series," Wounds International 2023, Vol 14, Issue 1, pages 28-35.