Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : SDG 8 Livelihood
Source : E4LIFE International Doctoral Research Program
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Year : 2024
Abstract : Women in rural India continue to face deprivation and inequality, despite various initiatives and reforms to empower them. In this note, the authors share their experiences of identifying the challenges faced by women in earning a livelihood and the sustainable solutions they identified using the participatory action research approach. The study involved two self-help groups of women in Nagla Chandi, a rural village in Uttar Pradesh, India. It revealed three key challenges: a need for entrepreneurial skills, low earnings, and limited access to land and capital. The note highlights potential sources of income and emphasises the importance of building women’s capacity to enhance their chances of finding work, starting a business, and supporting their families. Policymakers, Civil Society Organisations, and academic institutions working to empower women in rural communities can benefit from this note, offering an experiential learning approach to sustainable development research and education.
Cite this Research Publication : Kanyagui, M. K., Sajithkumar, K. J., Velankar, Y., Mohan, R., Viswanathan, P. K., & Magnani, N. (2024). Livelihood challenges faced by women in rural India: exploration of solutions using participatory action research. Development in Practice, 34(4), 512-526.