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Lane Clearance Approach for Emergency Vehicles in Highways Network

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Public Library of Science

Source : PLoS one

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Computing

Year : 2022

Abstract : The steady rise in the number of vehicles in modern urban areas and poor conformance to traffic laws (or rules) lead to avoidable commute delays and traffic jams. Also, there is an increased likelihood of road accidents requiring immediate medical attention. Emergency vehicle (EV) service is adversely affected due to the unavailability of the clear lane that supports EVs to get to their endpoint without being delayed along the national highways. Moreover, the EV’s sirens have a limited range, which may fail to reach and notify other vehicular traffic about its mobility promptly. In addition to this range constraint, EVs in motion often lose their communication links while moving from network to network. This paper delineates an approach using the next generation mobile internet protocol, for automated pathway clearance, for EVs. The prototype model of the proposed approach was experimentally designed and implemented. The proposed design concept is validated by performance characterization via numerical analysis.

Cite this Research Publication : Khatri, Anshu, and Mathi Senthilkumar. "Lane clearance approach for emergency vehicles in highways network." PLoS one 17, no. 11 (2022): e0276988.

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