Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Source : Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Url :
Keywords : Karaoke
Neural network
Out-of-phase stereo method
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Center : Amrita Innovation & Research
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Verified : Yes
Year : 2021
Abstract : Musicians and vocalists are facing the challenge of practicing their singing as instrumentalists are not available always or they are not very affordable. Karaoke can help to solve this problem and cater to the demands of these singers. When the vocals of a song have been removed and only the accompaniment or the instrumental background is left, the resulting music is called karaoke. This is used as a form of entertainment, wherein users sing along with the background music. This paper proposes a method to generate karaoke using the artificial neural network (ANN) tool in MATLAB. This is based on the out-of-phase stereo method. First, the training data is generated using the out-of-phase ssstereo method using audacity, to check its effectiveness; then, the same is implemented in MATLAB, and the generated data is used to train the artificial neural network. There is room of improvement in the proposed system, as it has been implemented with limited training data.
Cite this Research Publication : Sripradha, R., Surya, P., Supraja, P., Manitha, P.V. (2021). Karaoke Machine Execution Using Artificial Neural Network. In: Choudhary, A., Agrawal, A.P., Logeswaran, R., Unhelkar, B. (eds) Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 778. Springer, Singapore.