Publisher : IEEE International Symposium On Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2006
Abstract : Joint source channel coding (JSCC) technique is used to design an image transmission system using Reed Solomon (RS) channel coder by providing a feedback mechanism. The proposed codec offers wide range of choices to the user to achieve compression and the desired data rate corresponding to an image quality. Performance of the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) and RS coder for different compression rates and BER probabilities is presented. The proposed scheme led to an imperceptible decrease in the PSNR values but a considerable decrease in the bpp values as compared to the corresponding figures obtained from the existing SPIHT-RCPC scheme. This technique is more suited to channels that are prone to burst errors like wireless channel.