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Investigation of All-Oxide Thin-Film Solar Cell With p-SnOₓ as Absorber Layer

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Source : IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Physics

Year : 2022

Abstract : We propose an n-ZnO/p-SnOx heterojunction solar cell as a novel pathway to realize all-oxide photovoltaics that offer attractive features such as stability, cost-effectiveness, and nontoxicity. TCAD device simulator was used to investigate the performance of n-ZnO/p-SnOx thin-film solar cell using inputs on material parameters of SnOx obtained experimentally. In this study, we considered the effects of SnOx parameters, namely, bandgap and electron affinity on the performance of solar cell. Electrical transport models applied in modeling include the effects of interfacial recombination, tunneling, band discontinuity, and minority carrier lifetime. Our simulation results show that a maximum power conversion efficiency of ~15.5% can be obtained in a window of an optimum combination of bandgap and electron affinity of SnOx layer. Further enhancement in efficiency is achievable by improving the minority carrier lifetime.

Cite this Research Publication : Manoj Kumar, S. S. Anwer Askari, Sanjay K. Ram, Mukul Kumar Das, Investigation of All-Oxide Thin-Film Solar Cell With p-SnOₓ as Absorber Layer, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022,

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