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Intracranial hemorrhage in childhood immune thrombocytopenic purpura

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Wiley Online Library

Source : Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2009

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2008

Abstract : We retrospectively analyzed 750 patients with ITP for development of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). Seventeen cases with age range of 10 months to 18 years were studied. Ten patients were of acute ITP and seven had chronic ITP. Nine patients developed ICH one month after the onset of ITP and five patients had ICH on presentation. ICH was precipitated by trauma in four patients and possibly the use of NSAIDs in one patient. Median platelets counts at the time of ICH were 12 × 109/L (range 2–50 × 109/L). Most patients were treated with corticosteroids. Four patients (24%) died due to ICH. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2009;52:529–531.

Cite this Research Publication : Choudhary, Dharma R., Rahul Naithani, M. Mahapatra, Rajat Kumar, Pravas Mishra, and Renu Saxena. "Intracranial hemorrhage in childhood immune thrombocytopenic purpura." Pediatric Blood & Cancer 52, no. 4 (2009): 529-531.

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