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Intervention for Improvement of Water Quality in a Rural Village in Rajasthan

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Thematic Areas : SDG 6 Water & Sanitation

Publisher : Springer

Source : Smart Trends in Computing and Communications, pp. 323-332. Springer, Singapore, 2022

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Keywords : Water purification, Human-centered design, Participatory rural appraisal, Jivamritam, Live-in-Labs®

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School for Sustainable Futures

Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)

Department : Sustainable Development

Year : 2021

Abstract : Out of all the basic needs of humans, water is the most essential for livelihood. It is clearly known that water is not distributed evenly in the earth’s surface. Out of total, only 3% of water is freshwater and the remaining 97% of water is not fit to drink. Of the total globally available fresh water, 69% of them resides in glacier, 30% as underground water, and less than 1% of water is in rivers, lakes, and swamps. Apparently, all the people should have access to this water appropriately. There are many places where community members still struggle a lot to access the drinking water. This paper deals with such a situation where people do not have access to clean drinking water. To tackle this situation, feasible purification methods to solve the problem are proposed.

Cite this Research Publication : Reddy, D.T., Shamini, S., Ganesan, V., Radhakrishnan, A., Ajith, V. (2022). Intervention for Improvement of Water Quality in a Rural Village in Rajasthan. In: Zhang, YD., Senjyu, T., So-In, C., Joshi, A. (eds) Smart Trends in Computing and Communications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 286. Springer, Singapore.

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