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International research collaboration among the G-20 countries

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Current Science

Source : Current Science, Volume 126, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 36-44. DOI: 10.18520/cs/v126/i1/36-44

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Keywords : Citations, international research collabora-tion, member countries, publication data

Campus : Amritapuri

Center : AmritaCREATE

Year : 2024

Abstract : G-20 refers to an organization of 20 member countries/ units founded in 1999. Over the years, it has become an important political and economic platform to ad-dress various developmental concerns. The member countries collectively represent about 75% of global population, 85% of the global gross domestic product and 75% of the global trade. Given that the G-20 has 88.8% of the world’s researchers and accounts for 93.2% of research spending and 90.6% of scientific publica-tions at the global level, it would be interesting to analyse the international research collaboration patterns among the G-20 countries, including assessment of benefits and impact of such collaboration. The present study utilizes the publication data of these countries to estimate their collaborative research levels. A positive growth is obser-ved in research collaboration along with a positive cor-relation with the national expenditure on R&D. Some countries (e.g. Saudi Arabia and South Africa) are found to have benefitted significantly from such colla-borative research, as observed by a boost in productivity and citations. The results comprehensively account for international research collaboration among the G-20 countries. © 2024, Indian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Cite this Research Publication : Singh, V.K., Kanaujia, A., Singh, P., Dua, J., Lathabai, H.H., "International research collaboration among the G-20 countries," Current Science, Volume 126, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 36-44. DOI: 10.18520/cs/v126/i1/36-44

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