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Interactive Segmentation Technique for Ex-Vivo Skin Laceration Detection

Publication Type : Journal

Source : Medical Imaging, Skin laceration detection, Skin Phantom

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Artificial Intelligence

Year : 2020

Abstract : In the current scenario, the working culture in industries are improving day by day in terms of human safety and increase in awareness regarding safeguard required for performing different operations. Still while performing the task in industries, home or doing normal routine work the skin laceration is very common. For laceration detection and localization on the patient, the doctor should identify the edges of laceration specifically so that during the tissue approximation for in-vivo or ex-vivo operation the localization maneuverer robot region of interest can be identified. The major issue faced during skin laceration segmentation is identification of lesion edges. The existing algorithms marked issues like poor skin segmentation, altered result with respect to ambient light, inability for laceration segmentation in the complex background image and less noise rejection while identifying the laceration. In this paper, the interactive skin laceration segmentation technique with hybrid sequential approach is used to overcome the limitations in existing algorithms to detect the skin laceration. The proposed hybrid sequential approach for interactive selection of skin laceration segmentation used HSV based color segmentation along with Euclidean distance metric and Geodesic distance metric. The results were compared for the performance of the best hybrid sequential combination.

Cite this Research Publication : Verma, Varnita, Anil Kumar, Piyush Chauhan, and Mukul Kumar Gupta. "Interactive Segmentation Technique for Ex-Vivo Skin Laceration Detection."

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