Publication Type : Book Chapter
Source : In Evolutionary Computation with Intelligent Systems, CRC Press, pp. 119-134, March, 2022
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2022
Abstract : Improvement in Artificial Intelligence, computer vision, and the research in advanced sensing technology have made a significant impact on the enhancement of intelligence in the tasks carried out by robots for industrial and other commercial applications. Along with this, social interaction of the robots and performing collaborative tasks along with humans for better socially intelligent responses are also gaining its popularity. For achieving these features, imparting social intelligence in robotic systems for perception, navigation, and performing other vital actuation for better human–robot interactions is essential. This chapter attempts to provide better social interaction between humans and robots using the TurtleBot3 robot navigation scheme implemented to follow human beings in social zones with intelligence applied through Q-learning approach. The navigational schemes are implemented with the architecture developed in the Robot Operating System (ROS) platform for the TurtleBot3 robot using Q-learning approach.
Cite this Research Publication : Senthil Kumar, J, and Sivasankar Ganesan, “Intelligent Systems: Techniques for Optimized Decision Making.” In Evolutionary Computation with Intelligent Systems, CRC Press, pp. 119-134, March, 2022.