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Integrated Multi-sensor framework for Intruder Detection in Flat Border Area

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : IEEE

Source : International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC)

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)

Year : 2019

Abstract : All government have disclosed the need for an efficient surveillance and human intrusion detection system to control the possibility of intrusion on borders, either for unauthorized goods transportation or for terrorism. The peace and harmonious atmosphere of the country is disturbed due to the intrusion of terrorists. Most of the Indian border areas are flat in nature. The casualty prompted by the recent Pulwama and Pathankot attacks against Indian military force through the flat border area reveals the significance of efficient surveillance and human intrusion detection system in those areas for controlling the terrorist activities. Conventional border patrol systems require large human support and unmanned border areas are equipped with high-tech, high-cost surveillance systems, which create high false alarm rates and line of sight constraints. There is a need in developing a multi-sensing system that integrates different technologies to detect human intrusion with improved system accuracy in flat border areas. The proposed multi-sensing system comprises of Infrared sensors for detecting the movement of an intruder across the borderline and Geophone sensors for detecting the presence of human intruder though footstep signals and tracking the direction of the human intruder. The idea behind this paper is to provide minimum human support and to enhance the accuracy by integrating multiple surveillance technologies to monitor the flat border region in real-time and to provide early warning to the central monitoring station once the presence of human intrusion in that region is detected.

Cite this Research Publication : Arjun, D., P. K. Indukala, KA Unnikrishna Menon. "Integrated multi-sensor framework for intruder detection in flat border area.", 2019 2nd International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC), IEEE, 2019.

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