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Insilico Analysis of Micro RNA Based Target Interaction: Potential Implication in the Pharmacogenomics of Psoriasis

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : MOJ Proteomics Bioinform

Source : MOJ Proteomics Bioinform

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

Center : Computational Engineering and Networking

Year : 2016

Abstract : Identification of a therapeutic micro RNA (miRNA) with multiple gene targets is a major challenge in the era of post genomics and the ability to apply an accurate insilico approach leads to the initiation of discovering novel miRNAs. In order to identify a micro RNA (miRNA) based target interaction among the genes which are associated with pharmacology; we have taken a list of Psoriasis related genes from Pharmacogenomic database, and further identified the network of miRNAs which are significantly associated with the Pharmacogenomics of Psoriasis. Further, we performed an enrichment analysis for identifying a specific miRNA on the basis of statistical tests to predict the miRNA with pharmacological significance. Finally we have identified the binding of the selected miRNA with the genes which are related to Pharmacology of Psoriasis. While this protocol has presently been applied to Psoriasis, it can potentially be adopted for other diseases with the impact of recent advancements in modern science like nanotechnology on analyzing the pharmacological nature of miRNAs

Cite this Research Publication : H Anandaram, Insilico analysis of micro RNA based target interaction: potential implication in the pharmacogenomics of psoriasis - MOJ Proteomics Bioinform, 2016

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