Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Hacettepe J Biol Chem
Source : Hacettepe J Biol Chem 36(4) 283-290
Url :
Keywords : Injectable and biodegradable hydrogel, Polyethylene glycol terminated pol(propylene fumarate)/acrylamide, Fast
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Biotechnology
Department : biotechnology
Year : 2008
Abstract : Injectable and biodegradable hydrogel material based on polyethylene glycol terminated poly(propylene
fumarate)(PEG-PPF-PEG)/ acrylamide have been developed and evaluated for cardiac applications. The present
PEG-PPF-PEG resin undergoes fast setting with acrylamide with low exothermic temperature and mechanical
properties equivalent to that of cardiac tissue. The chemically cross linked hydrogels undergo swelling in Ringer’s
solution prior to degradation. The present material are non cytotoxic to L-929 fibroblast and compatible with the
cardiac fibroblast cells. Adhesion and proliferation of cardiac fibroblast cells has been appreciably good which is due
to surface reorganisation and generation of synergistic hydrophilic-hydrophobic surface
Cite this Research Publication : Injectable polyethylene glycol terminated poly (propylene fumarate) / acrylamide biodegradable materials for cardiac applications (2008) Kallukalam BC, Jayabalan M and Sankar V Hacettepe J Biol Chem 36(4) 283-290