Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Optica Publishing Group
Source : Optical Materials Express
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Physics
Year : 2016
Abstract : This work presents a study of the luminescence properties of Er3+ when included into two different TiO2 hosts: a polycrystalline and an amorphous host. The two host environments were produced by depositing two thin films with different Er3+ concentration using radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. Structural analysis revealed the presence of the rutile and anatase phases in the polycrystalline film. Time-resolved and steady-state photoluminescence measurements evidenced the presence of two distinct local Er3+ environments in the polycrystalline host. For the amorphous TiO2 host, only one Er3+ environment was observed, which differed from the two environments in the polycrystalline host. A method for extracting a fast and slow time-resolved emission spectrum from the two observed local environments in the polycrystalline host is also presented.
Cite this Research Publication : S. R. Johannsen, S. Roesgaard, B. Julsgaard, R. A. S. Ferreira, J. Chevallier, P. Balling, S. K. Ram, A. Nylandsted Larsen, Influence of TiO_2 host crystallinity on Er^3+ light emission, Optical Materials Express, Optica Publishing Group, 2016,