Publication Type : Journal
Publisher : Wiley
Source : Head \& Neck
Url :
Keywords : chemoradiotherapy, plate complications, osteosynthesis, osteoradionecrosis, head and neck cancer
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Medical Oncology
Year : 2008
Abstract : Abstract Background. Plate osteosynthesis is a widely used technique in head and neck reconstructive surgery. The objective of this study was to determine whether postoperative chemoradiotherapy, which was recently introduced for high-risk head and neck cancer, affects plate and osteosynthesis related complications. Methods. Fifty-two consecutive patients, who had undergone plate osteosynthesis for mandibular reconstruction between October 2003 and September 2006, were included in the study. The patients were divided into 3 groups: (1) surgery alone (n
Cite this Research Publication : Rajeev Sharan, Subramania Iyer, Shilpa S. Chatni, Jacob Samuel, Karimassery R. Sundaram, Richard F. Cohen, Keechilat Pavithran, Moni Abraham Kuriakose, Increased plate and osteosynthesis related complications associated with postoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy in oral cancer, Head \& Neck, Wiley, 2008,