Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Currently researchers are focusing on the techniques that could withstand and prevent the user’s secret data from the attacks. Cryptographic Smart cards are vulnerable to traditional mathematical attacks that exploit defects in cryptographic algorithms. H,
Source : Currently researchers are focusing on the techniques that could withstand and prevent the user’s secret data from the attacks. Cryptographic Smart cards are vulnerable to traditional mathematical attacks that exploit defects in cryptographic algorithms. H, Volume 9, Issue 22, p.17601 - 17611 (2014)
Campus : Bengaluru
School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2014
Abstract : Currently researchers are focusing on the techniques that could withstand and prevent the user’s secret data from the attacks. Cryptographic Smart cards are vulnerable to traditional mathematical attacks that exploit defects in cryptographic algorithms. Hence, additional level of strength and security is required in adopting these cryptographic algorithms. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Public-Key encryption algorithm is now used in Smart cards effectively to provide better security than any other existing algorithms with lesser key size (160 bits) when compared with RSA algorithm (1024 bits). In ECC, the mathematical operations are defined over an elliptical curve where the public key will be a point on the curve and the private key will be any random number. The proposed work makes use of multiple elliptic curves instead of single elliptic curve which investigates the effectiveness of using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Multi-Curve Elliptic Curve Cryptography (MECC) increases the security of the system without affecting any of its performance parameters on encryption and decryption process. This multistage encryption makes the system robust and shall be embedded into the Smart card through optimized Modified Matrix Encoding technique.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Prakash G. and S., S., “Improving the Security of Smart Cards through Multi- Curve ECC”, Currently researchers are focusing on the techniques that could withstand and prevent the user’s secret data from the attacks. Cryptographic Smart cards are vulnerable to traditional mathematical attacks that exploit defects in cryptographic algorithms. H, vol. 9, no. 22, pp. 17601 - 17611, 2014.