Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : Applied Mathematics and Computation
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2020
Abstract : This paper revisits the H∞ stability analysis for sampled-data system by employing Lyapunov functional and loop functionals. Through existing methods such as the looped-functional approach and zero equality in sampled-data systems, an improved result is derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Based on the proposed result, by utilizing the relation of state vectors belonging to augmented vectors, less conservative criteria are introduced. The main objective of this study is to increase a maximum sampling value in both periodic and aperiodic sampling cases according to minimum sampling value. Using the proposed results, H∞ stability for sampled-data systems with disturbance is studied. Lastly, some numerical examples are utilized to confirm the superiority and effectiveness of the results by comparing them with the existing ones.
Cite this Research Publication : S.H. Lee, P. Selvaraj, M.J. Park, O.M. Kwon, Improved results on H∞ stability analysis of sampled-data systems via looped-functionals and zero equalities, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 373, 125003, May 2020. (1-14) (IF: 4.0) ISSN: 0096-3003