Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Applied Mechanics and Materials
Source : Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 786, p.378-382 (2015)
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2015
Abstract : This research work is targeted at building and analyzing a robotic arm which mimics the motion of the human arm of the user. The proposed system monitors the motion of the user’s arm using a Kinect. Using the “Kinect Skeletal Image” project of Kinect SDK, a skeletal image of the arm is obtained which consists of 3 joints and links connecting them. 3-D Coordinate Geometry techniques are used to compute the angles obtained between the links. This corresponds to the angles made by the different segments of the human arm. In this work we present the capturing of human hand gestures by Kinect and analyzing it with suitable algorithms to identify the joints and angles. Also the Arduino based microcontroller used for processing Kinect data is presented.
Cite this Research Publication : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Deepansh, M., Ajithkumar, N., and Saboo, N., “Implementation of Gesture Control in Robotic Arm Using Kinetic Module”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 786, pp. 378-382, 2015.