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Impact of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on residents of Cochin corporation

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian J Community Med

Source : Indian J Community Med 2019;44; S20-23

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Department of Community Medicine

Year : 2019

Abstract : Context: Environmental sanitation is a major public health issue in India. Sustainable Development Goal 6 envisages the accessibility of safe water and sanitation throughout the world. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA), a national cleanliness campaign established by the Government of India in 2014, has six main objectives. It has crossed the half-way point of its intended implementation course. Aims: This study aims to assess the impact of SBA on the sanitation of Cochin Corporation and to identify factors associated with awareness and practice of SBA. Settings and design: A cross-sectional study among residents of Cochin Corporation. Materials and methods: Semi-structured questionnaire was used to measure awareness, practice, and impact of SBA. Three divisions were selected purposively. A score was assigned for knowledge and impact assessment questions and was classified into three categories. Statistical analysis used: Descriptive statistics using frequencies and percentages were done. Chi-square test was used to test differences between proportions. Results: Thirty percent had no awareness regarding SBA and 42% had minimal awareness regarding the program and its objectives. Only 24% responded that SBA had a good impact on the overall sanitation of the community. The impact of SBA was significantly associated with socioeconomic status. The study revealed the major sanitary concern of the community to be the disposal of solid waste.

Cite this Research Publication : Mavila AD, Paul T Francis. Impact of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on residents of Cochin corporation. Indian J Community Med 2019;44; S20-23

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