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Impact of Social Context on Online shopping Behaviour in Selected Asian Countries

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Journal of Management Research (ABDC-C), 18 (3), pp. 188-200

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Business

Year : 2018

Abstract : Internet technology has helped marketers focus on electronic commerce; one way is by zeroing in on the many factors that influence online shopping behaviour. This paper deals with the impact of social factors such as family, friends, their reviews, and external and interpersonal factors on planned and unplanned online purchases. This descriptive study was conducted using structured survey questionnaires. Data were collected through online and offline techniques, employing “Snowball sampling”. The Wald-Wolfowitz RUN test was conducted to ensure randomness. Structural equation models, F Tests, and T Tests were used to determine sample size, which was justified using G power analysis. Online consumer shopping behaviour is formed by attitude, trust, shopping enjoyment, and shopping experiences, which are directly influenced by social context factors. This study establishes that Indian, Singaporean, and Malaysian students are careful and think twice before making purchases, keep shopping lists, are particular about e-stores, and will not purchase without a plan. However, in Uzbekistan and parts of Singapore, unplanned purchases happen often due to patterns of increased spending and impulsive purchases. Since the internet and e-stores are especially new in Uzbekistan, its youth are tempted to browse online suggestions and impulsively act on reviews from friends or peers.

Cite this Research Publication : Sathish (2018), Impact of Social Context on Online shopping Behaviour in Selected Asian Countries, Journal of Management Research (ABDC-C), 18 (3), pp. 188-200

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