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Impact of a worksite intervention program on cardiovascular risk factors: a demonstration project in an Indian industrial population

Publication Type : Journal

Publisher : American College of Cardiology Foundation Washington, DC

Source : Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2009

Abstract :

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Prabhakaran D, Jeemon P, Goenka S, Lakshmy R, Thankappan KR, Ahmed F, Joshi P, Mohan BVM, Meera R, Das MS, Ahuja RC, Saran RK, Chaturvedi V, Reddy KS. Impact of a worksite intervention program on cardiovascular risk factors: A demonstration project in an industrial population. Journal of American College of Cardiology 2009; 53 (18): 1718-28. [impact factor 15.343]

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