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IL-13Rα2 Regulates the IL-13/IFN-γ Balance during Innate Lymphoid Cell and Dendritic Cell Responses to Pox Viral Vector-Based Vaccination

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Vaccines

Source : Vaccines. 2021

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

Center : Amrita Research Center Delhi

Year : 2021

Abstract : We have shown that manipulation of IL-13 and STAT6 signaling at the vaccination site can lead to different innate lymphoid cell (ILC)/dendritic cell (DC) recruitment, resulting in high avidity/poly-functional T cells and effective antibody differentiation. Here we show that permanent versus transient blockage of IL-13 and STAT6 at the vaccination site can lead to unique ILC-derived IL-13 and IFN-γ profiles, and differential IL-13Rα2, type I and II IL-4 receptor regulation on ILC. Specifically, STAT6-/- BALB/c mice given fowl pox virus (FPV) expressing HIV antigens induced elevated ST2/IL-33R+ ILC2-derived IL-13 and reduced NKp46+/- ILC1/ILC3-derived IFN-γ expression, whilst the opposite (reduced IL-13 and elevated IFN-γ expression) was observed during transient inhibition of STAT6 signaling in wild type BALB/c mice given FPV-HIV-IL-4R antagonist vaccination. Interestingly, disruption/inhibition of STAT6 signaling considerably impacted IL-13Rα2 expression by ST2/IL-33R+ ILC2 and NKp46- ILC1/ILC3, unlike direct IL-13 inhibition. Consistently with our previous findings, this further indicated that inhibition of STAT6 most likely promoted IL-13 regulation via IL-13Rα2. Moreover, the elevated ST2/IL-33R+ IL-13Rα2+ lung ILC2, 24 h post FPV-HIV-IL-4R antagonist vaccination was also suggestive of an autocrine regulation of ILC2-derived IL-13 and IL-13Rα2, under certain conditions. Knowing that IL-13 can modulate IFN-γ expression, the elevated expression of IFN-γR on lung ST2/IL-33R+ ILC2 provoked the notion that there could also be inter-regulation of lung ILC2-derived IL-13 and NKp46- ILC1/ILC3-derived IFN-γ via their respective receptors (IFN-γR and IL-13Rα2) at the lung mucosae early stages of vaccination. Intriguingly, under different IL-13 conditions differential regulation of IL-13/IL-13Rα2 on lung DC was also observed. Collectively these findings further substantiated that IL-13 is the master regulator of, not only DC, but also different ILC subsets at early stages of viral vector vaccination, and responsible for shaping the downstream adaptive immune outcomes. Thus, thoughtful selection of vaccine strategies/adjuvants that can manipulate IL-13Rα2, and STAT6 signaling at the ILC/DC level may prove useful in designing more efficacious vaccines against different/chronic pathogens.

Cite this Research Publication : Li, Z., Roy, S., and Ranasinghe, C. IL-13Rα2 Regulates the IL-13/IFN-γ Balance during Innate Lymphoid Cell and Dendritic Cell Responses to Pox Viral Vector-Based Vaccination. Vaccines. 2021

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