Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : AIP proceedings
Source : AIP proceedings, 2023
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Chemistry
Year : 2024
Abstract : The chemical constituents of a plant extract exhibit significant contributions to its antioxidant activity. The phytochemical analysis of the methanolic extract of the fresh leaves of Clerodendrum Infortunatum Linn showed the presence of gallic acid as the key component for antioxidant activity. The work highlights the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the methanolic extract of the leaves of Clerodendrum Infortunatum by employing different antioxidant assays and analytical techniques. The methanolic extract shows moderate antioxidant effects from the leaves of the plant. The structural elucidation of the compound was carried out by infrared and nuclear magnetic spectroscopic analysis. The analytical evaluation of the plant extract was performed using different phytochemical assays and electrochemical investigation by cyclic voltammetry.
Cite this Research Publication : R Rejithamol, Kaveri S J, Dhiya Pradeep, Aiswarya M S, Anjali S and Sneha S, Extraction, Identification, and Phytochemical Analysis of the Leaves of the Methanolic Extract of Clerodendrum Infortunatum Linn, AIP proceedings, 2023