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Hyperesoinophilic syndrome with FIP1L1 PDGFRα mutation: A case study

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

Source : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Volume 5, Number 3, p.625-627 (2011)

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Medical Oncology

Year : 2011

Abstract : In India, a clinical and/or a laboratory diagnosis of hypereosinophilia is very common and is usually attributed to parasitic infestations (viz helminthiasis and filariasis) or atopy. The treatment usually includes deworming or antifilarial drugs in the filaria endemic regions. We report here, a case of hypereosinophilic syndrome in a middle-aged man, who presented with features which mimicked asthma with eosinophilia that did not respond to the routine treatment measures. He was found to have a FIP1L1-PDGFR-α mutation and he improved on treatment with the small molecule, tyrosine kinase inhibitor, Imatinib that is commonly used in patients with malignant diseases of haematological origin.

Cite this Research Publication : Mehta AA, Jose W, Pavithran K. Hyper-esoinophilic Syndrome with FIP1L1 PDGFR alpha Mutation: A Case Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2011; 5(3): 625-7.

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