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Hydrodynamical attractors and thermal particles from QGP, Workshop on the QCD equation of state in dense matter HIC and astrophysics – MAGIC23

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : Workshop on the QCD equation of state in dense matter HIC and astrophysics - MAGIC23, March 28 - April 01, Kovalam, Kerala, 2023

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Sciences

Year : 2023

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : Lakshmi J. Naik, Sunil Jaiswal, K. Sreelakshmi, AmareshJaiswal and V. Sreekanth, Hydrodynamical attractors and thermal particles from QGP, Workshop on the QCD equation of state in dense matter HIC and astrophysics - MAGIC23, March 28 - April 01, Kovalam, Kerala, 2023

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