Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of ARPN
Source : International Journal of ARPN (2017)
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2017
Abstract : Now a day’s governmental and nongovernmental organization wants to share their information for the purpose of knowledge discovery. When the data’s are shared individuals personal data or sensitive data which should not be known to others. Eg. Medical record, voters list, census data. This may leads a latest research field called Privacy preserving data mining. To address these issues, released datasets must be modified to preserve privacy. This article proposes hiding sensitive medical information by using first randomizes the original data and then applying k-anonymity method for sensitive data for preserving the privacy. Here Data fly algorithm is used to implement k-anonymity to anonymize the medical dataset for research purpose
Cite this Research Publication : N. Saranya, Dr.Karpagam M, N. Muruganandham, "Hybrid Approach for Data publishing using privacy preservation Techniques", International Journal of ARPN (2017)