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High Quality Single Phase CUK Rectifier Module with Active Power Factor Correction

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : TAP Energy national conference

Source : TAP Energy national conference, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri. (2013)

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Verified : Yes

Year : 2013

Abstract : Most of our industry needs dc voltages for its applications, so they are using rectifier at the front end for converting ac to dc. The enormous use of single phase converters has created lot of power quality issues in electrical systems; Mainly THD of input current is very high. This input current harmonics is very detrimental. It reduces the power factor, damages other electrical equipments and pollutes line power systems. Commonly used method for reducing THD is to use a power factor improvement circuit. This paper analyses the operation of high quality CUK rectifier module as a power factor correcting device in continuous conduction mode. The control scheme consists of an inductor current calculator and an output voltage loop.

Cite this Research Publication : J. K. Murali and Rajendran, A., “High Quality Single Phase CUK Rectifier Module with Active Power Factor Correction”, TAP Energy national conference, 2013.

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