Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings
Source : AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2283, Number 1, p.020017 (2020)
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering
Department : Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2020
Abstract : Contamination of water bodies due to uncontrolled discharge of industrial waste dumping of municipal and household trash is one among the critical environmental quandaries faced today. This leads to the eutrophication of water bodies due to a higher concentration of elements such as phosphates and nitrates. As a potential answer to this quandary, this work tried to examine the impact of adding nano-sized coating of graphene on coastal black sand in the adsorption of heavy metals. In the current research, batch adsorption methods are employed to achieve Chromium adsorption (c-Adsorption) on nanocomposite and rich black coastal sand. The experiment is carried out with the anticipation of identifying the basic characteristics of clay soils, the effect of adsorption of chromium in soil in nanoscale coating and the dependence on concentration, pH values and contact time.
Cite this Research Publication : N. Dileepkumar, Ganesh Shankar, Gopinathan Sajith, Jitha S. Jayan, Dr. Saritha A., Geena Prasad, and Jeetu. S. Babu, “Green synthesis of graphene sand composites for the removal of hazardous chemicals from water”, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2283. p. 020017, 2020.