Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Indian J Pharmacol
Source : Indian J Pharmacol 46: S29-S30
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Biotechnology
Department : biotechnology
Year : 2014
Abstract : ... Centella asiatica leaf extract proven to have many pharmacological effects like anti-odidant effect, anti-hypertensive effect and anti-cancer activities etc. Devi and Singh have shown that CuO nanoparticles synthesized by using Centella asiatica leaf extract at room temperature can be useful for the degradation of methyl orange in the absence of reducing agents [16]. Sankar et al. [17] prepared CeO 2 nanoparticles by using aqueous extract of Centella asiatica and compared their superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging activities with bulk cerium. The green-synthesized CeO 2 nanoparticles performed better than bulk cerium and had higher cellular uptake and viability in H 9 C 2 rat cardiomyoblasts cell line.
Cite this Research Publication : Green synthesis of cerium nanoparticles using Centella asiatica, their characterization and evaluation of efficacy against cardiomyoblast hypertrophy (2014) Sankar V, Salin RP, Athira R, Raghu KG Indian J Pharmacol 46: S29-S30 (IF 1.04)